Fingerboard (hangboard) для подтягивания, и для тренировки хвата, усовершенствованный вариант

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Фото тренажера для тренировки пальцев компании "Скалодромы Жужа"

Тренажер предназначен для проведения тренировок с собственным весом на развитие общей физической подготовки, улучшение координации движений и синхронизации работы пальцев и других частей мышечной системы. Занятия на тренажере способствуют увеличению силы пальцев и повышают выносливость рук. Тренажер разработан специально для тренировки пальцев
Фото скалолазного тренажера.
развивающие тренажелы фингерборд скалолаза
развивающие тренажелы фингерборд скалолаза


Audrey’s 10 minute Fingerboard workout Intro Some words of advice 10 minute fingerboard workout Warm-up (at least 20 minutes with no more Beginner: Try body weight to start. Drop set all than 30 to 50% max effort exerted): light exercises until you can meet the repetitions Time Reps Task Grip Hold Wgt cardio, get your pulse up, and a light workout stated. All holds should start out positive and for your arms. Take 5 minutes after the warm- comfortable. Gradually adjust to use smaller 1 6 blast pull-ups Open hand Jugs up to hydrate and recover before continuing. holds, more weight, etc. If you have never 6 Narrow-stance push-ups Palms Begin workout and attempt to complete each done something like this before, add more rest 1 Pull-up, dead-hang 10”, pull-up Open hand Small edge 10# set within the minute allotment. between each set. Don’t be afraid to split the 2 Rest workout into multiple days. Do not execute to 3 6 Typewriter pull-up (alt sides) Jugs 1 or 2 days rest should be sufficient depending failure. 6 Pushups Fingertips on intensity of the workout, age, fitness level, 1 Pull-up, dead-hang 10”, pull-up Half crimp Small edge 10# etc. It is not unusual to need up to 4 days for Intermediate: Try each set as specified and 4 Rest recovery. This workout can be done 2 times a adjust accordingly. Do not force a set. 5 6 Negatives, 3 each arm Jugs 5# week when climbing moderately. Reduce Gradually work up to specified workout or 6 Triceps push-down/dips Chair/bench frequency as climbing intensifies. Do not adjust areas to increase difficulty. Reduce the 1 Pull-up, dead-hang 10”, pull-up Full crimp Small edge 10# execute more than 3 times per week. rest between sets. Be careful not to execute to 6 Rest failure. 7 6 off-set pull-up lock-offs Open hand Lg edge/Jug Building tendon strength is not like building 6 Push-ups, add clap Palms muscle strength. Do rest, never force the Advanced: Avoid the tendency to do more 1 Pull-up, dead-hang 10”, pull-up pocket 10# exercise. Stop before failure. Tendons build up than is prescribed. Start with the outline and 8 Rest slowly and are easy to injure. Hydrate adjust to increase difficulty, e.g. aim for longer 9 6 Pull-ups with L-seat Open hand Jug frequently. This workout should feel dead-hangs (up to 20”) before adding weight. 6 Wide Push-ups Palms challenging but doable. Your body should not Eliminate the rest between sets. Start each set 1 Pull-up, dead-hang 10”, pull-up Open hand Sloper 10# feel trashed after. If it does, take the workout on the minute. Be careful not to execute to down a notch. This workout is targeted at 90% failure. Take at least one rest day following. max effort exertion. 10” means 10 seconds 10# means 10 pounds Drop set means to decrease difficulty either prior to the start of the set or at any time during Up set means to increase the difficulty similar to above Exercise Description Drop set Dead-hangs Do not reset fingers after initial pull-up Eliminate pull-ups to attain dead-hang time. Eliminate weight to attain set Drop set to use a bungee, chair or an assist Blast Pull-up Using the best holds on the fingerboard, pull up quickly, lower normal. To add difficulty, attempt on smaller, less positive holds. Always attempt from an open hand position. Push-ups • Palms means palms flat on the ground Drop set to knees if feet are too difficult • Tips means fingertips instead of palms Drop set to palms if fingers are too difficult • Clap: speed and amplitude are factors here. Fire off this set quickly and with enough amplitude to If you have wrist problems, drop set to knuckles clap in between each push-up. Clap: drop set to normal push, maintain speed and • Narrow-stance: elbows in by side, hands close-in by body amplitude • Wide-stance: elbows away from body about 6 - 8” Drop set to elevating one leg If these are too easy, increase difficulty by elevating one leg, both legs or adding a small amount of weight Typewriter Pull-up Initiate a pull-up, but instead of pulling up with weight evenly distributed between your hands, shift Drop set to typewriters: pull-up with even weight weight to one side and pull-up on that side. Hold lock-off and shift weight to other arm, keep weight distribution, lock-off at chin and shift weight from side to shifted and control the lower. Repeat on other side. Use a wide grip. side, finish in center and lower. Repeat to reps. If this is too easy, add a small amount of weight. L-seat Pull-up Do a set of standard pull-ups, but when you reach the apex of each pull, lift your legs into an ‘L’ Drop set to bent knees or alternate one leg at a time. position. This is a controlled maneuver; do not allow the body to swing. Pause at the top of the If you can do these comfortably, add a small amount of movement then lower. Use a wide grip. weight. Off-set Pull-ups Using one hold that is comfortable/positive and another that is less comfortable/positive, do a set of Drop set to more positive holds pull-ups. Alternate sides. Pause at the top and again at 90. In this example, a good edge is off-set with Drop set to no lock-off a pinch grip. Use a narrow grip. Negatives Pull-up, lock-off and lower slowly and controlled. For added difficulty, use one positive hold and one less positive hold until you can do the negative one arm. Drop set to no pull-ups, establish in lock-off position